Monday, December 30, 2019

Visit The Saint Louis Holocaust Museum For My Independent...

I chose to visit the Saint Louis Holocaust Museum for my independent field trip on April 6, 2016 to get out of my typical comfort zone and learn about a specific group of people that endured the largest genocide in recorded history. Upon entering the building, I was shocked to see the number of uniforms and other items that were recovered from World War II. This was the first thing that really set the tone for me and put me in the right emotional state to think about the fact that these are real families and children that were murdered simply because the Nazi’s wanted to. A few of the numbers that really shocked me include, at least six million Jewish were killed, thirteen percent of the population of Russia was wiped out, and a grand total of seventy to eighty-five million people were killed in WW2 (3-4% of the world’s population). The Holocaust was initiated based on the premise that Jewish people, mentally/physically handicapped people, and a few other smaller people groups were all inferior to the Aryan race as described by Adolf Hitler. The direct effects of the Holocaust are easily identifiable, such as Jewish and military deaths, and the destruction of whole cities, but I was utterly shocked when I read about the indirect effects that this level of hate towards people had brought forth. As the Nazi’s began to occupy countries in Europe, their allies such as Japan also made leaps and bounds to attack other countries such as the attack on Pearl Harbor in December ofShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesBuhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol - 1155 Words

Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol ‘A Christmas Carol’ written by Charles Dickens tells the story of a man named Ebenezer Scrooge who is taught the true meaning of Christmas and is shown the errors of his ways. ‘A Christmas Carol’ was published in 1843, this was a time of social and political unrest. Dickens motivation for writing this story was to encourage employers to treat workers well, he uses the Christmas Carol to portray this message. Charles Dickens felt strongly about the working conditions and poverty that many people endured. He wanted to encourage employers to treat their workers well. At the time that ‘A Christmas carol’ was published, the Chartists were agitating for better pay and†¦show more content†¦Be here all the earlier next morning!† Another description of Scrooge is shown by the weather, â€Å"no warmth could warm, nor wintry weather chill him.† Also the weather reflects Scrooges personality, â€Å"the fog and the darkness thickened,† this shows a dim and dark view in to Scrooge’s sombre, character. Scrooge lives in a gloomy suite of rooms, which is so old and dreary that Scrooge is the only one who lives there. This is where Scrooge encountered Marley, on Christmas Eve seven years to the date when he passed away. Marley firsts appears on the door where the knocker sits, â€Å"but looked at scrooge as Marley used to look: with ghostly spectacles turned up upon is ghostly forehead. Scrooge is not an easily frightened man, but from the sight of the ghostly face, he becomes slightly unnerved, and double looks himself in as an attempt to dismiss the ghostly face. â€Å"I won’t believe it,† once again is presented with a ghostly figure, â€Å" I know him! Marley’s ghost!† Marley, â€Å"The chain he drew wrapped was clasped about his middle. It was long, and wound round him like a tail.† The significance of the chain was what it holds: cash boxes keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds and heavy purses wrought in steel. Marley was Scrooge’s partne r and heShow MoreRelatedCharles Dickens and A Christmas Carol1613 Words   |  7 PagesCharles Dickens and A Christmas Carol: Famed British author, Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, England. He was the second of eight children, living in a poor neighborhood in London. His parents were John Dickens, a naval clerk, who always lived beyond his means. Married to his mother Elizabeth Dickens, who aspired to be a teacher and a school director. Dickens went to William Giles’ school in Chatham, Kent, for approximately one year before his father’s money habitsRead MoreA Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens1139 Words   |  5 Pages The book I have chosen is A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. It has been rewrote few times but I wanted to pick the author that started it all. Charles John Huffman Dickens lived from February 7th,1812 – June 9th,1970 making him 58 when he died. He was buried Westminster Abbey. His mother and father were John and Elizabeth Dickens. He had seven siblings four brothers and three sisters. During his life he was married to his wife Catherine Dickens from 1836 to the day he died. Together they hadRead MoreA Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens)1144 Words   |  5 PagesCharles Dickens believed it was up to him to inform the people of Britain of the social problems occurring around Britain. While Dickens was a young man, he suffered from poverty along with his mother and father. His father was imprisoned for dept and Charles wanted to become a social reformer. Dickens used these problems as themes for his book ‘A Christmas Carol. These themes involve poverty, pollution and a c hanging of ways. Dickens used Scrooge, the main character in the book at first to showRead MoreA Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens1160 Words   |  5 PagesCharles Dickens began writing the famous story â€Å"A Christmas Carol† in October 1843 and wrote excitedly during the next six weeks. He completed the narrative at the end of November so that it could be published by the time it was Christmas. It came out on December 17, 1843 and sold out in only three days (Molly Oldfield). The expression â€Å"Bah! Humbug†, a line repeated many times in the story by its main character, a miserable and bitter fellow by the name of Ebenezer Scrooge, has become a well-knownRead MoreCharles Dickens A Christmas Carol Essay922 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Bah, humbug!† This well-known phrase is popular thanks to Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. In this literary classic, Dickens tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a â€Å"tight fisted...covetous old sinner† (12). Through a series of hauntings by various Christmas ghosts, Scrooge realizes the error of his ways and changes completely into a warm-hearted, generous man. Scrooge’s tale is a familiar one; countless movies have been filmed, plays have been produced, and references made in other storiesRead MoreCharles Dickens A Christmas Carol1316 Words   |  6 PagesIt can be easily depicted that Christmas is a time of the year to share joyfulness. In Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is a character that is effortlessly described as a hardheaded cold man. It is simple to judge the character of Scrooge in this manner, but it is important to recognize the change in his personality throughout the story. Scrooge’s transformation happens very quickly, but he becomes generous and caring only when he is forced to see himself through a stranger’sRead MoreA Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens1293 Words   |  6 PagesCharles Dickens presents many sh ort stories and novels. He is greatly known for his short fiction and later theater play, â€Å"A Christmas Carol†. In one short story, a reader could describe it as Charles â€Å"other† Christmas story, an elderly narrator reminisce of holiday past. There is a range of appeal in the story itself from comforting memories of loved toys to leaving the reader with an eerie feeling of various childhood haunts. The reader’s analysis of Dickens use of vivid detail together with hisRead MoreA Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens1331 Words   |  6 PagesChristy Mak 12/21/15 Period three Scrooge Changes In the story, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, Scrooge is the main character. In the beginning of the story, he is shown as an old miser counting and gripping his money in the counting house. Later on, Scrooge’s dead business partner, Marley, has visited Scrooge from the grave while being bounded in chains to warn Scrooge to change his ways or suffer the same fate. Soon, three ghosts are sent to visit Scrooge to show him scenes thatRead MoreA Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens914 Words   |  4 PagesFew characters in Christmas literature personify the antithesis of the season like Ebenezer Scrooge. Penned in 1843, Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol has been told and retold. It has become a fixture of the season. So ingrained in our culture, is this story, that everyone knows the name Scrooge and the negative connotation that accompanies it. But what if, instead of just a cranky old miser, Ol Ebenezer Scrooge was more of a rather observant social commenta tor? In order to defendRead MoreThe Life Of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol1062 Words   |  5 Pageslasted from 1832 to 1901 under Queen Victoria’s reign. The culture revealed in this era was a time of rapid change, social inequality, industrialization, supernatural and religious beliefs, and was accurately reflected in the works of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. Roles of men and women were strictly defined, as were economic statuses. The hustle and bustle of the streets led to illnesses. Working conditions were destitute and unsanitary. Children often had little to no education, unless very

Friday, December 13, 2019

Animal Species Free Essays

Animal species are decreasing at an alarming rate, and many of it has to do with human interference to animals habitats. In the article â€Å"Era of ‘Biological Annihilation’ Is Underway, Scientists Warn†(2017) by Tatiana Scholssberg she explains the way in which 2 Stanford University Professors and one professor from Universidad Nacional Autà ³noma de Mà ©xico wrote their study and the way they worded and put their ideas together on the topic of global loss of animal species: It wouldn’t be ethical right now not to speak in this strong language to call attention to the severity of the problem.† The destruction humans are doing to animals is detrimental, and is causing animals to go decrease in population at such a high speed and these 3 professors take it upon themselves to make this issue sound as horrendous as it should. We will write a custom essay sample on Animal Species or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the beginning to mid part of the article Scholssberg explains how fast animal populations have decreased, she uses specific numbers to show at what speed these populations are actually decreasing by. Such as cheetas as se mentions have about 7000 members left than they had before any major destruction was made to their habitats and them. She further explains how it was difficult for the 3 professors from UNAM and Stanford to gather their information. Since different scientists have distinct definitions of what population means, it would be hard to show how population loss is affecting different species of animals. When scientists are looking into animal population loss they usually see a fragment of how much the animal species population has been decreasing and not necessarily the whole picture regarding all animal species as explained by Scholssberg. She mentions that â€Å"previous estimates of global extinction rates have been too low, in part because scientists have been too focused on the complete extinction of a species† which does not â€Å"generate enough public concern,† and lends the impression that many species are not severely threatened, or that mass extinction is a distant catastrophe.† Scholssberg mentions that the 3 professors whos study she was reviewing took a different route when discussing the decrease of various animal species, which helped them come to the conclusion that â€Å"the disappearance of entire populations, and the decrease of the number of individuals within a population,† are both equally important but usually people don’t see the big picture in the decrease of various animal species. As mentioned earlier many of the decreases in the animal population are because of human activity. Such as climate change and the constant exploitation of animals habitats. To help sort of balance this out Scholssberg mentioned in her article that â€Å"some species have been able to rebound when some of these pressures are taken away.† By this, I’m sure she means that when humans stop interfering with an animals habitat, animals are more likely to live a more fruitful life. Humans may just really be the toxic ones, over exploiting and taking over animals habitats. There will be a long-lasting impact with these animal populations and if we don’t stop now, when will we? How to cite Animal Species, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Metabical for Advertizing Techniques and Media- MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMetabical for Advertizing Techniques and Media. Answer: Overview Introduction of a new product into the market needs well-structured market positioning plan and communications strategy. The report was about the introduction of Metabical, a new drug for weight loss. The drug had undergone through extensive testing and was found to be more effective than the existing drug in the market. Due to the need to promote the drug using extensive marketing approaches, the marketing director Printup in conjunction with the sales director identified an urge to develop a good market positioning and communications for the new brand. This involved looking at the consumer behavior and a number of marketing communications factors. A number of promotion techniques, advertizing techniques and media, market research techniques, and other essential marketing communication approaches had been evaluated. The Decision Making Process and Sales Team The decision making process had involved identifying the problem which may exist in the promotion of Metabical to the target consumer, defining of the main issues, determining options or alternatives, evaluating the various options, selecting from the available options the best and optimal solution then putting that into action. The top managementas the main decision maker devised a plan that could be executed by the sales representatives which had the main objective to create product awareness, to guarantee high quality and customer satisfaction, to help achieve product positioning. The decision making was centralized so as to achieve better communication and ensure effective coordination and control. It also engaged promotion management decision making decision making technique which relied on the experience of the marketing director and on evidence drawn from the marketing research. Information was made available at all cost so as to ensure everything was done as per the set obje ctives. The sole target consumer was the overweight individuals but the target audience was the general public which was found to be concerned with weight loss. Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior There are at least six demographic attributes that are considered for market segmentation of not only Metabical, but any new product. They included; age, sex, marital status, education level, occupation profession, and household income. By grouping the target customers in this manner, it becomes easier to know how to strategize the marketing communication plan. A number of the targeted customers are the young people (a higher percentage are young women and those that are single) since they were found to be more concerned with their weight. The company however developed a promotional mix which involved covering the entire target audience while grouping the audience into the target customers using those attributes mentioned above. Segmentation is further achieved by not only looking at the demographic attributes but also the geo-demographic attributes and the psychographics. For instance, one can argue that its important to look at the purchasing behavior as a way of segmenting people by the way they live, geo-demographic; Or, by the interests of the people such as their lifestyle and opinions, psychographics. The procedure on market segmentation involved analyzing the consumer product relationships; the bases of segmentation; developing a positioning plan; selecting a segmentation strategy; and designing a marketing mix. Differential Advantage In order to ensure that CSP had positioned its Metabical brand more effectively, it was required to evaluate the market structure by evaluating the competitive advantage. The second thing was to evaluate the most effective consumer segmentation strategy. It was also considered essential to carry out surveys, interviews and in general research so as to come up with the consumer perception of the product in relation with the competitors products. CSP also embarked on evaluating and communicating the benefits associated with the product. Positioning Strategy In order to position an effective product positioning for Metabical, its very essential to position the brand using the positioning by attributes approach. This is important because the target consumer tends to look at the benefits and product features. The customers are more concerned with the contents of the product and whether it can achieve what we say it does. Different attributes can be combined such as having the ability to reduce calories and also increase the metabolism rate for enhancing longer life. With this kind of strategy, its necessary to have a consumer-driven communication strategy. However, it needs marketing communications tools to attract and engage with the consumers of the clients. Based on the selected strategy and the sales costs associated with marketing of the product, the estimated budget can help in meeting the performance goals. Marketing Mix and Timeline Its very important to have a marketing communication strategy which is a mix strategy comprising of advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling. The timeline would be 12 month timeline. In order to build this timeline, the first step that was taken into consideration was the setting of the strategy. It also followed that a typical message that the product promotion could carry is determined. The various activities are scheduled in monthly basis and a timeline is set for each element mentioned in the strategy. Within this 12 month timeline, various communications both internal and external should be well programmed. The success of the strategy is measured using some metrics and benchmarks.